Frequently Asked Questions
Is RFxPremier a rebrand of NASPO ValuePoint or is it a new entity?
If we have a NASPO ValuePoint Contract, will we still maintain our NVP Master Agreement?
Yes. RFxPremier will be a separate cooperative and contracts held by suppliers through NVP will retain those contracts through NVP.
How are vendors awarded contracts under the RFxPremier cooperative?
- RFxPremier will use several procurement methodologies for contract portfolios. The first will be a Lead Entity model where an entity will draft and post the solicitation on their e-procurement system and resulting contracts will be held by the Lead Entity but made available through RFxPremier.
- The second methodology will be adopting existing contract portfolios through amendments. This will be done through the contract holding entity and the supplier.
If my company has a contract that would be a good fit for RFxPremier, how can we get it involved?
Reach out to [email protected] with the details of the contract or click here and we will be happy to work with you.
If my entity has an active contract that would be a good fit for RFxPremier, how can we get it involved?
Reach out to [email protected] with the details of the contract or click here and we will be happy to work with you.
If my entity is about to solicit for a portfolio and would like to have it be a cooperative under RFxPremier, how can we partner with RFxPremier?
Reach out to [email protected] or click here to provide us with the details of the portfolio and we will be happy to work with you.
Will Lead Entities be able to be reimbursed for time in solicitations and contract management?
Yes. RFxPremier will work with you to ensure this is a mutually beneficial partnership.
Will there be an administrative fee on RFxPremier contracts?
Yes. Our administrative fees are among the lowest in the industry.
How will the RFxPremier contracts be promoted?
RFxPremier is creating an eMarketPlace solution through CoreXpand where contracts will be available, in addition to promoting at RFxPremier events, NASPO events, and trade shows.
How will end users buy from the contracts under RFxPremier?
Is there a fee for end users to purchase from the RFxPremier contracts?
While there is an administrative fee that is paid by the suppliers, end users do not pay any fee to access or purchase from RFxPremier contracts.
Who are eligible entities that can purchase from contracts in this cooperative?
All state and local entities, education (K-12 and higher education), special districts (utilities), transit and airport, corrections, healthcare, and construction (for public entities), tribes, federal, and non-profits are all eligible to participate and purchase from the cooperative.